Finally becoming a reality, Smart Homes are based on the interactions between the applications that allow home owners to monitor and control a wide range of useful applications which helps in improved energy efficiency, safety and controlled access
The possible usages are
IOT is revolutionizing the healthcare industry by enabling advanced sensors connected with the Internet to produce essential data in real-time. It will help in achieving the key outcomes of any efficient health care services like, improved access to care, increased care quality and reduced care costs.
The smart applications include,
The possible usages are,
We enable rapid creation and deployment of new IoT applications that connect, manage, and optimize complex sets of disparate sensors, devices and people, for use in smart cities.
The smart applications include,
The Internet of Things is gearing up to change our travel experience. Are you ready for your connected vehicle?
Few use cases include,
Technology Stack
Google Brillo and Weave
Apple Home Kit
Microsoft Azure IOT Platform